Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Keeping the Faith in Social Security

Today's post is a serious departure from the usual subject matter that I try to deal with here. This post is not about "God" per se... It is, however about living in the world in a righteous way... and not being a sucker, a sap, or a doormat. Today I want to talk about "Social Gospel" and the most important program that our government has ever established... one that addresses the corporal works of mercy, within the social fabric of government. Today I am speaking about Social Security... and about never letting anything "bad" happen to it. This is the promise. Social Security will be around 100 years from now... IF we don't let a bunch of greedy assholes "privatize" it. And why is there even "talk" about Social Security "being in trouble"? Because the Baby Boomers are starting to retire!. NEWS FLASH: Our elected representatives have known about "the bulge" that would be heading toward retirement years for...oh SIXTY-FIVE YEARS or so! Everybody in elected office has been "kicking the can down the road" with the attitude of let the guys who will be in office when the shit hits the fan sort it out". That's right... they ALL knew that there would be a "retirement bulge" starting around ...now...and lasting about 20 years or so...before population trends would "go back to normal" (whatever that means). And NOBODY (well, ALMOST nobody... but I have to credit Clinton for trying to "save Social Security First" with the big surplus he had amassed, but George W. Bush had "other ideas" and gave it away to his rich friends INSTEAD of using it to shore up Social Security). So...now that SIXTY-FIVE YEARS of seeing the problem coming...has been WASTED by "doing nothing to prepare for the coming bulge"... and NOW they want to queer the deal??? Bullshit! The "full faith and credit of the United States" stands behind the Social Security program...And we ARE NOT letting "Uncle" off the hook. Since all the politicians who saw it coming did nothing to address an EXTREMELY PREDICTABLE crunch, "Uncle" will just have to pay the retirees out of general revenues for the next 20 years, and stop spending our hard earned tax dollars on the Pentagon's latest wet dream.... OR they can raise the maximum income subject to SSI witholdings to $250,000.00 per year, and let the high earners in our society pull some weight for a change... and trust me, if they are earning 1/4 million per year, they CAN AFFORD IT. Bottom Line: Republican Quislings have been "spinning the yarn" that "Social Security wont 'be there' for our kids", and they keep repeating this LIE, hoping that we will fall for it, hoping that they can make OUR FEAR of a failure of the SSI fund panic us into allowing THEM to "privatize" (i.e. "steal") the fund. NO FRIGGIN' WAY! Social Security is THE LAW OF THE LAND, and it will BE THERE for our children's children's children if we INSIST UPON IT. For God's sake don't be frightened out of the most important social protection EVER in these United States... (and ditto with ObamaCare...its not perfect...yet...but it's only just begun. KEEP THE FAITH, GOOD PEOPLE... keep the faith.

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